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  • Supply Chain Hiring & Interview Advice For Your Company

    9 days ago

    Discover โ€‹5 crucial tips for employers, hiring managers, and HR professionals for a comprehensive supply chain hiring process.The interview process, including initial phone screenings, psychometric testing, face-to-face interviews with the hiring manager, and onsite tours, can often be lengthy and demanding.Therefore, it is crucial to keep the interview process streamlined ...

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  • Counter Offers: Key Considerations For Businesses

    17 days ago

    It is all too common for counter offers to be made in a world where supply chain talent is fiercely competitive, which can often affect companies when looking to recruit new talent. There are three key factors that businesses need to consider when hiring to minimize counter offers from other organizations:1. Transparent communication Maintain open and transparent communicati...

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  • Technical Operations Salary Guide Germany 2024

    17 days ago

    In order to help professionals and hiring managers understand base salary structures for the technical operations sector in Germany, our experts have compiled DSJ Global's Technical Operations Salary Guide, specifically tailored to the German market.Whether you are a seasoned professional contemplating a change in your career path or a hiring manager looking to attract top ...

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  • Supply Chain Hiring: Mid-Year Market Update

    27 days ago

    Supply chain professionals continue to be in high demand around the world, so competition for elite talent has become fierce. This is why it is essential to stay up to date with the latest market trends to attract and retain top-tier talent.DSJ Global hosted an exclusive interview with Executive Director for Europe Matt Wood, who discussed the latest supply chain hiring tren...

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  • Discover Supply Chain Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Insights

    5 months ago

    Phaidon International's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report Examines the Perceptions of DE&I in the Supply Chain Industry.As an award-winning supply chain talent partner under the Phaidon International brand, clients often ask us how to improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) in their workplace so they can attract, hire, and retain top talent with diverse experiences a...

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  • Understanding the Dynamics of Talent Acquisition in the Supply Chain Industry

    6 months ago

    โ€‹The supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the seamless flow of goods and services globally. As it continues to evolve with technological advancements, globalization, and changing consumer demands, the importance of strategic and skilled personnel in the supply chain cannot be underestimated. In this article, we will explore the skills and experience you shoul...

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  • The Link Between Sustainability, Supply Chains, and Hiring

    8 months ago

    โ€‹Sustainability is a crucial topic that extends beyond the four walls of an organization. A study by Sourcing Champions and Valuedesk revealed that up to 90% of a companyโ€™s carbon footprint can be attributed to its supply chain, emphasizing the significant role procurement plays in a companyโ€™s sustainability initiatives.Global Challenges Demand Global SolutionsThe climate cr...

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  • Europe Salary Survey Report

    8 months ago

    A comprehensive overview of salaries, compensation, and career motivations across Europeโ€™s end-to-end supply chain industry.As the world navigates geopolitical tensions, rising inflation, weak consumer consumption, and high business overheads, itโ€™s never been more important for end-to-end supply chain organisations to have the right talent in place. And to do that, having ...

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  • Trends Impacting Competition for Talent in Supply Chain

    11 months ago

    In today's rapidly changing business landscape, competition for talent in the supply chain industry has intensified. The changing nature of work and the demands of the modern-day professional have forced companies to rethink their hiring and retention strategies. Nick Aoun, Associate Director at DSJ Global, provides valuable insights into these emerging trends."The demand fo...

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  • Addressing the UK Energy Crisis: Embracing Sustainability

    about 1 year ago

    The United Kingdom is currently facing an energy crisis, a situation that has far-reaching implications for various sectors, including supply chains. The depletion of fossil fuel reserves, closure of aging power plants, and overreliance on imported natural gas have strained the nation's energy infrastructure. Factors like extreme weather events and limited investment in new ...

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  • Should your business offer flexible working? Talent experts at DSJ Global advise

    about 1 year ago

    The adoption of flexible working has increased over the last few years as technological advancements make it easier to work from anywhere at any time. This has left many companies facing the question of whether to embrace flexible working on a permanent basis. Can the future be flexible in the supply chain industry, and do companies need to offer it to attract and retain the...

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  • How to Avoid Bias in Job Descriptions

    about 1 year ago

    There is overwhelming evidence that companies with diverse workforces perform better on every possible metric, with diversity positively impacting every level of a business, from the cleaning staff to the board of directors.ย Bringing in as many perspectives, working styles and experience as possible to a workplace leads to integration, success and growth to those businesses ...

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  • The Virtual Recruitment Landscape: Reset and Reboot

    about 3 years ago

    โ€‹The historical events of the past year made most firms pivot and re-evaluate their talent acquisition processes. Despite the resetting of traditional workplace rules, on the back of many businesses continuing to limit travel and in-person collaboration, what can be said for the virtual recruitment landscape then?โ€‹At DSJ Global, a subsidiary brand of the Phaidon Internationa...

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    Dsj V Irtual Landscape Blog
  • Top Trends to Improve your ED&I Strategy

    about 3 years ago

    โ€‹The global relevance of equity, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I), as a business value and organizing principle, remains a key concern for recruiters and many organizations. ED&I is a powerful enabler of innovation and growth; companies that lead with this progressive course of action, not only address systemic barriers, but drive impactful change within all areas of the corp...

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  • 2020 Reflections: Looking Back to Move Forward

    over 3 years ago

    โ€‹Itโ€™s tempting to enter 2021 with blind optimism, eager to put the challenges of 2020 behind us. However, to learn as much as possible from the adversities we all faced last year, weโ€™d like to suggest that we begin 2021 with a brief period of reflection.

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    Dsj Blog
  • UK Black History Month

    over 3 years ago

    โ€‹โ€‹Black History Month is recognised and celebrated in the UK during the month of October. Different to the US and parts of Europe, which takes place during February each year, this month recognises the contribution of Black people to the history and makeup of the UK, and celebrating their achievements and successes.ย When and why Black History Month is celebratedThe UK Bl...

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  • Why Flexible Working is No Longer a Benefit

    almost 4 years ago

    โ€‹โ€‹Flexible working has been a growing trend for many years; with the outbreak of COVID-19, this trend has reached its tipping point.ย ย For many employers, flexible working arrangements have been the only way to handle the unprecedented challenges the pandemic brought about; with 78% of workers now saying they want increased flexibility in their work moving forward, it will be...

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  • How to Avoid a Talent Exodus Post-Pandemic

    about 4 years ago

    โ€‹Nobody yet knows what the legacy of COVID-19 will be. HR and recruitment experts are increasingly concerned businesses which do survive this period will face a further crisis in the shape of talent acquisition and retention in โ€˜the new normalโ€™.Anxiety about the workforce is not new: a recent PWC study found 80% of CEOs are either extremely or somewhat concerned about their ...

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  • Working from Home is the Key to Diversity

    about 4 years ago

    โ€‹Though telecommuting has been around since the 1970s, it has taken a global health crisis to spread its adoption.According to a recent poll by Phaidon International,ย 82% of the end-to-end supply chain workforceย want their employer to continue offering working-from-home flexibility.Yet aย fifth of employeesย are convinced their employer would turn down a more flexible working ...

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  • Talent Across Supply Chain During Covid-19 โ€“ The Industry and Functional Impact ย 

    about 4 years ago

    There is no denying that the recent implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global economy create an environment few (if any) have seen before. Whilst the global financial crash of 2008 and the Oil Glut of 2014 created shockwaves economically, they were compartmentalised to some extent within their geographic or industrial sectors.The interesting aspect of Covid-19 is t...

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