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The Link Between Sustainability, Supply Chains, and Hiring

Posted on November 2023

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โ€‹Sustainability is a crucial topic that extends beyond the four walls of an organisation. A study by Sourcing Champions and Valuedesk revealed that up to 90% of a companyโ€™s carbon footprint can be attributed to its supply chain, emphasising the significant role procurement plays in a companyโ€™s sustainability initiatives.

Global Challenges Demand Global Solutions

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges humanity faces. Nations worldwide are taking action to combat global warming, and businesses are equally pivotal in this battle. With mounting pressure from consumers who are increasingly making purchase decisions based on a brandโ€™s environmental ethos, and regulators demanding clearer transparency and action on sustainability, companies canโ€™t afford to overlook this issue.

Where Procurement Fits In

Procurement plays a critical role in reducing a companyโ€™s carbon footprint. A staggering 93% of surveyed procurement professionals agree that sustainability tops their priority list, and companies are taking steps in that direction. However, only half of companies had a well-defined net-zero target inclusive of Scope 3 emissions, which represent indirect emissions from activities outside their direct control, like those from their supply chain.

Impact on Hiring

As the focus on sustainability increases, the impacts on procurement hiring will be significant:

  1. Demand for green skills. Companies will be looking for professionals who understand sustainable procurement and can implement eco-friendly strategies, leading to a surge in demand for procurement professionals with sustainability expertise and certifications.

  2. Shift in company values. As businesses recognise the value of a sustainable supply chain, they will prioritise hiring individuals who align with their sustainability values across all roles. Companies will be seeking candidates who can think critically about sustainability and bring innovative ideas to reduce carbon footprints.

  3. Reputation & branding. Companies that actively prioritise sustainability are likely to be viewed more favourably by professionals. A companyโ€™s stance on sustainability can be a determining factor for potential employees who want to work for responsible organisations.

  4. Transparency & accountability. With only 50% of companies setting clear targets for Scope 3 emissions, thereโ€™s room for improvement. Companies may start hiring for roles specifically focused on tracking, measuring, and reducing these indirect emissions, further integrating sustainability into their core business strategy.

  5. Interdisciplinary collaboration. The integration of sustainability in supply chains means that companies will prioritise hiring individuals who can work across disciplines. Professionals who can collaborate with departments like marketing, finance, and operations to ensure a holistic sustainability approach will be in demand.

The world is grappling with the pressing issue of climate change, and businesses play a crucial role in this fight. Their supply chains, which often span the globe, are critical components of their carbon footprint. Procurement is at the forefront of this challenge, and a paradigm shift in hiring strategies is imminent. Companies will increasingly seek talent that not only meets role-specific qualifications but also aligns with their broader sustainability vision.

For those looking to delve deeper into the nuances of sustainable business practices, we urge companies to read our article "Energy crisis along the value chain - 4 companies on the road to sustainability", providing valuable insights into the current market. Furthermore, if you're seeking to hire the right talent to drive your sustainability goals, please request a call back from DSJ Global. We're here to facilitate and expedite the recruitment process tailored to your needs.

Candidates eager to contribute to this evolving landscape are encouraged to submit their CV to DSJ Global. Together, let's champion a sustainable future.โ€‹
